Soal UAS Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 1.
Karena ini bahasa Inggris dasar atau English for young learners maka kosa kata yang diberikan juga yang gampang gampang saja. Kosa Kata Tema Shopping Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6. Expensive = mahal 3. Cheap = murah 4. Bargain = tawar 6. Discount = diskon/potongan harga 7. How much = berapa banyak 8. Price = harga 9. Berikut ini adalah Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru ⇩ Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 Terbaru Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 Kunci Jawaban room I 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.b 9.a 10.b 11.a 12.b 13.d 14.b 15.d 16.c 17.a 18.d 19.b 20.a 21.a 22.c 23.c 24.c 25.d 26.d 27.a 28.b 29.d 30.d Kunci Jawaban room II 1.
Soal Matematika Kelas 6 SD Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawabannya
Hai sobat IBI….
matematika adalah ilmu tentang bilangan dan segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengannya yang mencangkup segala bentuk prosedur operasional yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan masalah mengenai bilangan. Pada kesempatan kali ini IBI akan membahasa tentang soal matematika dalam bahaasa ingris dan jaabannya. langsung saja mari kita simak bersama.
Questions (Pertanyaan)
- Kim can walk 4 kilometers in one hour. How long does it take Kim to walk 18 kilometers?
- A factory produced 2300 TV sets in its first year of production. 4500 sets were produced in its second year and 500 more sets were produced in its third year than in its second year. How many TV sets were produced in three years?
- Linda bought 3 notebooks at $1.20 each; a box of pencils at $1.50 and a box of pens at $1.70. How much did Linda spend?
- A large box contains 18 small boxes and each small box contains 25 chocolate bars. How many chocolate bars are in the large box?
- It takes John 25 minutes to walk to the car park and 45 to drive to work. At what time should he get out of the house in order to get to work at 9:00 a.m.?
- Tom and Bob have a total of 49 toys. If Bob has 5 more toys than Tom, how many toys does each one have?
- John can eat a quarter of a pizza in one minute. How long does it take John to eat one pizza and a half?
- John can eat a sixth of a pizza in two minutes. It takes 3 minutes for Billy to eat one quarter of the same pizza. If John and Billy start eating one pizza each, who will finish first?
- Jim, Carla and Sammy are members of the same family. Carla is 5 years older than Jim. Sammy is 6 years older than Carla. The sum of their three ages is 31 years. How old is each one them?
- John read the quarter of the time that Tom read. Tom read only two-fifth of the time that Sasha read. Sasha read twice as long as Mike. If Mike read 5 hours, how long did John read?
Answer (Jawaban)
- 4 hours and 30 minutes
- 11,800 TV sets
- $6.80
- 450 chocolate bars
- 7:50 a.m.
- Tom: 22 , Bob: 27
- 6 minutes
- same time , 12 minutes
- Jim: 5 years , Carla: 10 years , Sammy: 16 years
- 1 hour
Demikian yang dapat IBI sampaikan semoga dapat bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa inggris ssobat IBI sekalian.
” sebuah cahaya akan berinar lebih terang di kegelapan”
-Salam IBI-
Referensi Materi Lainnya dari IBI yang wajib kita ketahui :
Berikut contoh soal ujian nasional dengan materi pelajaran bahasa inggris untuk tingkat kelas 6 sekolah dasar ( SD ) yang bisa digunakan sebagai ujian pembelajaran murid.
Kamus Bahasa Inggris
Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Sekolah Dasar
Soal Pilihan Ganda
- That is …. It lives in big river.
A. crocodile
B. snake
C. comodo
D. lizard - Futu wears ….. on her head.
A. Shirt
B. Shoes
C. a hat
D. a trouser - The weather is cold. Futu wear …. to keep his body warm.
A. a dress
B. a jacket
C. T-shirt
D. a trouser - Kwaci is made from …..
A. Sunflower
B. Lotus
C. Jasmani
D. Orchid - Tetangga in English is ….
A. neighbor
B. society
C. street
D. housing
- The sun sets in the ….
A. west
B. east
C. north
D. south - We keep our clothes in the
A. sofa
B. bed
C. cupboard
D. chair - …… everyone. See you tomorrow.
A. good evening
B. good afternoon
C. good morning
D. good bye - The fruit that contains vitamin C is …..
A. grape
B. avocado
C. durians
D. orange - What colour is the sea is …..
A. red
B. blue
C. black
D. white
- The olor of nurse uniform is ….
A. White
B. Blue
C. Black
D. Red - Mother cooks in the…..
A. living room
B. bedroom
C. kitchen
D. bathroom - I sleep in the…
A. bedroom
B. living room
C. kitchen
D. bathroom - forty five plus seventeen equals ….
A. fifty two
B. sixty two
C. seventy two
D. sixteen - …. is to cover our head.
A. nose
B. ear
C. mouth
D. hair
- The day after Monday is……
A. Friday
B. Sunday
C. Saturday
D. Tuesday - Futu falling from the bicyccle. He was helping by Vandra. Futu says…..
A. good bye
B. i am sorry
C. thank you
D. nice to meet you - If we want to sent the letter, we mush put …. on it
A. a letter
B. an envelope
C. a card
D. a stamp - Futu meets his friend on the way. He say ….
A. hello
B. how
C. yes
D. by the way - You want to borrow your friend on the way. He say ….
A. borrow me your ruler
B. may i borrow your ruler
C. please i borrow your ruler
D. lend me your ruler
- The film is played at the ….
A. ticket box
B. movie
C. seat
D. advertisement - The man who delivers letter is …..
A. post-man
B. post-box
C. post-offie
D. post-card - The climate of a mountainous area is ….
A. hot
B. warm
C. cool
D. wet - The women on the film is called ….
A. singer
B. player
C. actor
D. actress - We get medicine from …..
A. nursing room
B. pharmacy
C. mortuary
D. emergency room
- Diseases that is marked by high body temperatur is
A. tuberculosis
B. cholera
C. high blood tension
D. typoid - The most suitable equitment when we visit Carita Beach is
A. thick clothes
B. swimming clothes
C. tent
D. sport wear - A place for travelers to stay is…..
A. bus station
B. post office
C. hotel
D. bank - The first thing we have to do when we come at a hotel is ….
A. meeting the director
B. meeting the room boy
C. meeting the receptionist
D. meeting the porter - Futu :”I thing i must leave now”
Vandra :”……………………………”
A. yes, you go
B. don’t go
C. don’t be in a hurry
D. please you go
Kunci Jawaban
- A
- C
- B
- A
- A
- A
- C
- D
- D
- B
- A
- C
- A
- B
- D
- D
- C
- B
- A
- B
- B
- A
- C
- D
- B
- D
- C
- A
- C
- C