Word For Mac Reset Styles To Original

  1. Step 1, Choose the Run option from the Start menu. This displays the Run dialog box.Step 2, In the 'Open' box, type in 'regedit. ' Click 'OK' to start the Regedit program. If you are using Word 2010, select the HKEYCURRENTUSER/Software/Microsoft/Office/14.0/Word. If you are using Word 2007, select the HKEYCURRENTUSER/Software/Microsoft/Office/12.0/Word. If you are using Word 2003, select the HKEYCURRENTUSER/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Word.
  2. Using Built-In Microsoft Word Styles. Microsoft Word has had the Styles feature for several versions, and the Ribbon-based versions (Office 2007 and up) kick it up a notch by offering multiple sets of standard Styles. Styles are grouped into Style Sets, and many of the Styles within the current set are available in the Quick Styles Gallery on.
  1. Word For Mac Reset Styles To Original Version
  2. Word For Mac Reset Styles To Original Browser
  3. Word For Mac Reset Styles To Original Settings
  4. Word Reset Styles To Default
  5. Reset Styles In Word

Word For Mac Reset Styles To Original Version

Step 6: Your Mac’s startup disk is listed on the left, typically named “Macintosh HD” by default unless you renamed it. Also listed is another drive with the word “Data” appended at the end. 1 With your paragraph selected, choose Format→Paragraph (or press Command+Option+M). The Paragraph dialog opens. 2 Choose an option from the Alignment pop-up menu. Change the Left and Right Indentation values to whatever you want.

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Word For Mac Reset Styles To Original Browser

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StylesWord For Mac Reset Styles To OriginalWord

Changing the text’s paragraph attributes is just one way you can change the way text looks in a Word 2008 for Mac document. In this case, rather than changing the words and letters, you change the way whole paragraphs appear.

To format a single paragraph, just click anywhere within that paragraph. To format multiple paragraphs, however, you need to select them the usual way. Then proceed as follows:

Word for mac reset styles to original browser

1With your paragraph selected, choose Format→Paragraph (or press Command+Option+M).

The Paragraph dialog opens.

2Choose an option from the Alignment pop-up menu. Change the Left and Right Indentation values to whatever you want.

Word For Mac Reset Styles To Original Settings

You can either type in the new value or use the little arrows to the right of each value to change them.

Word Reset Styles To Default

3Change the Spacing After value to whatever you want and then choose a line spacing from the Line Spacing pop-up menu. Click OK.

Your document reflects the choices you made.

Reset Styles In Word

The Formatting toolbar (which you open by choosing View→Toolbars→Formatting) and the Toolbox’s Formatting Palette (choose View→Formatting Palette) also let you change font and paragraph attributes, but they work interactively, so you don’t have to open the Font or Paragraph dialogs or click the OK button before you see the results of your changes.